Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Run in Sunny Texas

We are spending Thanksgiving in Texas this year. Great, I thought, it would be a nice break from the cold windy Boston weather. Yet with our arrival on Wednesday night, the sunny 80's changed to gloomy 40's. But I am in Texas, and it is supposed to be warm! Ignoring reality, I donned my little shorts, skipped the warm up, and went out for a 4.5 mile run. Then the wind hit! I felt the blood vessels in my held starting to constrict. Without any knowledge of the surrounding area, I kept running back and forth along the small grid of the few neighborhood streets. It took more then 20 minutes for me to break a sweat. I would have dressed warmer in the same weather in Boston, but clearly I could not bring myself to do it when surrounded by banana trees and cacti.


Anonymous said...

Good thing snow was not decorating banana trees leaves. A sweat short and long pants could be good there

Anonymous said...

I meant a sweatshirt of course